Women’s Day: Another Occasion for Protest
Participants chanted with purpose, waved their mostly homemade signs at passing motorists, and cheered when drivers honked or gave them thumbs up.
InDepthNH.org (https://indepthnh.org/)
Participants chanted with purpose, waved their mostly homemade signs at passing motorists, and cheered when drivers honked or gave them thumbs up.
When Dave Boucher, a Transportation Safety Officer at Manchester Airport since 2002, received the first Office of Personnel Management memo telling him to produce a list of five accomplishments within about 48 hours, he considered the order badly thought out.
The Education Freedom Account program would increase about 50 percent in the second year of the next biennium if the parent salary cap is eliminated according to the person administering the program.
The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Manchester Health Department (MHD) have identified an adult who was recently diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) who spent time in a homeless shelter and a community organization in Manchester, New Hampshire while infectious.
Despite a hiring freeze in state government, Gov. Kelly Ayotte said this week she will fill a recent vacancy as director of state parks.
The people listed here passed away during the previous weeks and have some public or charitable connection to their community.
White supremacist podcaster and convicted felon Christopher Cantwell is back in trouble after he was charged with assault this weekend in an incident at his Manchester rooming house.
From advancing efforts to create affordable housing and increasing public safety the Senate worked together in a bipartisan fashion to pass a number of bills Thursday.
By a single vote, the House voted to stop paying for poor children’s circumcisions under the state Medicaid program.
The House voted to repeal the New Hampshire Vaccine Association, a nonprofit that the Legislature established more than 20 years ago to provide discounted childhood vaccines to providers.
The Republican-led House on Thursday approved revenue estimates for the next two-year budget cycle.
Rep. Gregory Hill, R-Northfield, testified in favor of his resolution to declare the Supreme Court’s Claremont education funding decisions are not binding on the legislature Wednesday before the House Judiciary Committee.
Resolution Would Make Claremont Education Funding Decisions Moot for Legislature
Several lawmakers seek to have the Superior Court judge in the ConVal School District education funding lawsuit impeached for his decision. House Resolution 7 would establish a committee to investigate whether there are grounds to impeach Judge David Ruoff and have it report back to the House in November.
Department of Corrections Assistant Commissioner Paul Raymond is out on leave, and the department isn’t saying why.
At a time when childhood immunization rates are declining nationally and Texas is
experiencing a serious measles outbreak, the House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee heard testimony Wednesday on two vaccine bills.
MANCHESTER, NH – The office of Congressman Chris Pappas (NH-01), in collaboration with the National Passport Center, will host two Pop-Up Passport Fairs to assist First District constituents with their passport-related issues, including applying for a passport for the first time or renewing an existing passport.
On Thursday, March 13th, staff from the National Passport Center will be available by appointment from 12:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. at the Mall of New Hampshire at the JCPenney Court to assist individuals with passport applications or renewals. Those interested in the Manchester fair should register here.
Next month, on Tuesday, April 8th, the Passport Fair will be held at Portsmouth Community Campus, from 12:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Those interested in the Portsmouth fair should register here. Congressman Pappas’s Pop-Up Passport Fair Flyer below:
The House Education Funding Committee voted down party lines in favor of a state-imposed local school district budget cap, and for a universal voucher program without the restrictions proposed by Gov. Kelly Ayotte.
The Senate Education Committee had a full meeting with three hearings, Tuesday on three different matters including a bill that would require high school and college sports teams to be expressly designated as male or female and also would create a cause of action for those harmed by others who intentionally enter the wrong locker room from their birth sex.
“Stand Up for Federal Workers” will be the theme of a protest at 8:30 AM Friday at the Federal Building on Pleasant Street in Concord.
A simmering fight between the state Department of Energy and the Public Utilities Commission is coming out in the open, and the Office of Consumer Advocate is jumping into the fray.